Jim Lee Comic Charity & Jurnee Smollett Interview | DC Daily Episode 400
Let us begin today’s episode with a thank you! To you (yes YOU) for sticking with us for 400 Episodes! We could not have done this without you!
We have a special treat for you today! We have brought in Publisher and Chief Creative Officer of DC Comics: Jim Lee! He is here today to talk to you about his charity live stream to help support comic book stores that are struggling. To see more head over to instagram @jimlee and @thinkingbinc
The treats keep coming! Jurnee Smollette AKA Dinah Lance AKA Black Canary from Birds of Prey is joining us today to help us celebrate 400 episodes!
And last, but not least, we are joined by friend of the show and nemesis to Hector: Alex Jaffe! It is trivia time!
Thank you again for all of your support! Here is to another 400 episodes! You rock!
Remember to #StayHome with #DCDaily
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DC Daily is a five-days-a-week original show offering an unprecedented look inside the world of DC. Featuring a team of hosts and regular first looks and exclusives, each episode offers news, discussions, announcements, interviews and much more.