Doom Patrol: The Painting that Ate Paris | DC Daily Comic Book Club

The long-awaited second collection of superstar writer Grant Morrison’s groundbreaking run on DOOM PATROL, this new trade paperback reprints issues #26-34. This collection includes the rise of the legendary Brotherhood of Dada – the only team of super-foes ever strange enough to rival the Doom Patrol itself – as well as the menace of the Decreator and the return of Monsieur Mallah and the Brain from the original Brotherhood of Evil.

DC UNIVERSE, DCā€™s ultimate digital subscription service, recently launched DC DAILY COMIC BOOK CLUB, an all-new digital series exploring top comic books collected on DC UNIVERSE’s ever-expanding digital library. Available outside of the DC UNIVERSE paywall, the all-new series is a one-stop-shop for DC comic book fans and new readers.

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